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HR Improves Productivity with ClearCompany's Effective Headcount Approach

ClearCompany research shows that when HR uses Effective Headcount, teams smash their quotas.


ClearCompany’s Effective
Headcount Report

Empower your teams to reach their targets with better headcount planning.

Did you know HR can directly influence your teams’ productivity? Preparing for turnover helps teams reach their targets — but most companies are using headcount planning methods that are proven to fail.

Enter ClearCompany's Effective Headcount Approach.

The latest research from ClearCompany President and Co-Founder Colin Kingsbury and Lead Scientist of AI & Data Strategy, Marie G. Evelyn, Ph.D., details the strategy that enables your sales teams to hit 95% of their quotas — 100% of the time.

Not to mention the myriad other benefits of accurate headcount planning: 

  • Helps identify and close skills gaps
  • Decreases turnover
  • Saves money and time spent on hiring and training costs

Dive into the data, our research and testing methodology, and learn how to apply the Effective Headcount Approach at your organization in ClearCompany’s Effective Headcount Report.