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Make Performance

Reviews a Positive

Experience For Everyone

Simplify your review cycles and engage employees with our performance management system.


Get Your Free Demo and Discover What ClearCompany Can Do For You!

Discover why we are ranked as the top HR Software across all industries.


Improve Your Discussions and Feedback

Reimagine your goal setting and performance management practices with user-friendly software that brings
automation, flexibility, goal planning and continuous feedback to your employee performance strategy.

Simplify Performance Review Cycles for HR and Provide Employees with a Positive Review Experience

    • Custom Reviews: Easily design your own review questions, scales, formats, cycles, and workflows to support the unique roles in your company. 

    • Express Reviews: Launch cycles fast with pre-built review templates and cycle workflows recommendations for all common review formats.
    • User-Friendly Interface: Give employees the chance to complete reviews on their mobile devices and in their language of choice.
  • All the system’s performance management tools, especially those for building review formats, setting up grading and providing both employees and managers with the ability to add comments throughout, have helped simplify and automate our performance management processes, improve the flow and frequency of reviews, and stimulate more meaningful conversations and feedback.

    Beth Sparkes
    Vice President, Human Resources, The Towbes Group
  • This program streamlines the recruiting and onboarding process. It puts it all in one place! Saves our company 10-12 labor hours a week!

    Kasey Heinl

The Most Complete Performance Feature Set in the Industry

  • Annual/Bi-Annual/Quarterly Reviews
  • Goal/Role/Competency-Based Reviews
  • Customized Questions, Sections, and Scales
  • Automated Workflows
  • Continuous Feedback Tools
  • Goal Cascading and Planning
    and many more!

Featured Case Study

A Talent Process to Build On

Monteith Construction has experienced tremendous growth over the past two years. See how ClearCompany's leading-edge tools for recruiting, onboarding, and performance management help them to scale their business and continually engage their employees.

Read The Story

Optimize Your Performance Management Process Today