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Provide 360 Degree Feedback with Ease

Leverage peer feedback and automation to build employee self-awareness, collaboration, and high-performing teams.

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Discover why we are ranked as the top HR Software across all industries.


Improve Your Discussions and Feedback

Reimagine your peer reviews and feedback with user-friendly software that engages employees to promote growth, peer appreciation, and teamwork.


Boost Employee Development and Workplace Effectiveness

    • Support your employees’ personal development, career growth, and internal effectiveness. 

    • Easily capture and synthesize feedback from an employee's peers, supervisor, subordinates, and cross-functional teammates.

    • Provide employees with a 360 perspective on their work style, reliability, communications,  teamwork, personal strengths, and areas for growth.

    • Provide your employee with valuable insights from a variety of points of view.

  • All the system’s performance management tools, especially those for building review formats, setting up grading and providing both employees and managers with the ability to add comments throughout, have helped simplify and automate our performance management processes, improve the flow and frequency of reviews, and stimulate more meaningful conversations and feedback.

    Beth Sparkes
    Vice President, Human Resources, The Towbes Group

Let Your Employee Choose Their 360 Degree Peer Reviewers

  • Empower your employees to choose the peers they value and would like 360-degree feedback from.
  • The ClearCompany platform automates the communications and entire process.
  • Feedback from peers is aggregated and all comments are shared with employees anonymously.

Featured Case Study

A Talent Process to Build On

Monteith Construction has experienced tremendous growth over the past two years. See how ClearCompany's leading-edge tools for recruiting, onboarding, and performance management help them to scale their business and continually engage their employees.

Read The Story

Optimize Your 360 Degree Feedback Process Today